Monday, December 20, 2010

TWIT - This week in training Dec 17- Dec 20 2010

Speed squat with green band
225 x2
275 2×2
315 x2
365 x1
405 x1
455 x1

I narrowed my stance a bit like I was told and felt off a bit. Still having a hard time keeping lats tight through the whole squat. I am going to try and move the bar up some and open my stance a little.

Here is a video of the squatting and some goodmornings from Monday.

bench 225 6×3
neutral grip pullups 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4
dips 5×12
Y+T 15 3×20
curls ?

Monday - deload week
Dec 20
GHR 5x10 (raised 8 inches)
back to back with sled drag with strap between legs 90# 5x50 yards

Long strap hypers 270 x8, 360 2x8. I might have done 3 at 360 but can't remember.
back to back with sled dragging holding straps behind the knees 90 3x50 yards

trx ab fall outs 2x8
and plank x2

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

TWIT This week in training Dec 13- Dec 15 2010

Monday Dec 13

Max effort lower

Suspended good mornings with straight bar. Sorry about the weights being in kilo’s. The wifes place only has bumper plates. Used a wide stance

60kgx5, 80kgx5, 100kgx5, 120kgx5, 140kgx3, 160kgx1, 180kgx1, close stance 140×3

I tried to be super strict on these and not rock into them. Still not sure what way is better for max effort.

ghr raised 8 inches 4×10, 2×5

pull throughs 4×12

pulldown abs with green band – feet staggered 4×20

neck harness 35 2×12

Wed Dec 15 2010

Max effort bench

Camber bar bench to 2 board
135 2×5
185 2×5
225 x 3
add 2 board
275 x 1
295 x 1 slow off the board but no pain. Still about 10-12% down from my best but thins are moving along

Oh press
135×5 - a little pain
145×5 - less pain
155×5 - almost none
185×3 - wow that was hard

db rows 110 4×12
lying tates 60 5×12
db powercleans 15 3 x 12
ez bar curls ?
lying ext rotator 10 2×12

Sunday, December 12, 2010

TWIT - This week in training

Max effort lower

Sumo deadlift while standing on 100# plates
135, 225, 315×3, 365, 405, 455, 495×1, 545xmiss, 515×1, 405×5

The video for this workout is down below.

short strap hypers 270 4×10
green band good mornings 4×12
pulldown abs with feet staggered 120 5×16
neck harness 35 2×12

Max effort upper

bodyweight 238
Shoulder is getting better but still not 100%.
bench on low decline 135 2×5, 185 2×5, 225 2×3, 275 2×1, 315 3×1

Each single got better and left some in the tank
oh press 135 3×8
db rows 105 4×12
lying tates 50 5×12
db powercleans 15 4×15
curls with ex bar
Weak off my chest and feel like I can’t get my lats tight.

Speed lower

bw 240
Speed squat with green band and straight bar.
295 4×2
335 3×2
Having problems keeping my lats tight since I hurt my shoulder. I find thast on my 2nd rep especially that I get lazy and cannot keep them tight. I will pst a video tomorrow.

Speed deadlift with 3 chain and bands
315 6×1
365 4×1
Short strap hypers
180 4×12
green band leg curls
3 or 4 x20
decline situps
65 4×12

Rep upper

275 2x3

neutral grip pullups 3x6, 3x5
dips 4x12
y+t 15 3x20
barbell curls ?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Training log with video

Friday Dec 3

Speed squat with green band 275 3x2, 315 3x2

speed deadlift sumo
with monster mini 315 2x1,
add 2 set of chain 315 6x1
conventional 315 w/ monster mini 2x1

Green band leg curls x50
short strap hypers 180 3x12
decline situps 50 4x10

Sunday Dec 5

Bench 225 2x5
neutral grip pull ups 5x5
dips 3x8
y + t 4x12 each way
barbell curls - till pumped

My shoulder held up pretty good this week and I have little pain pressing. I still have some pain right after a set of squats but I hope with time it goes away.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Training log

The last 7 months have been busy. My training has been lacking so I have not been posting. I hurt my shoulder, my knee swelled and I took some time off. We moved my wife was promoted to director at her job and I am trying to find my groove again.

Monday Nov 29th 2010

Squat 135, 185, 225, 275, 315x1, 365x1

add briefs 405x3, 455x3, 495x1

add reverse green bands, 545x3, 585x3, 635x1, 675x1

First real heavy weight I have used with the straight bar in a long time. My shoulder has not let me comfortably squat with it for a while. I will use this same exercise as a tester in 6 weeks.

Green band good mornings 4x12
short strap hypers 180x12, 270 3x10
pulldown abs with split stance 120 3x16

Wednesday Dec 1st 2010

Bench 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x1
add 4 board 315x3, 365x3, 3, 4

My should held up over night and no pain so this is good. Time to start building and get my raw bench back up.

oh press 135 2x8
db power cleans 15 3x12
db rows 105x8, 130x8, 105x12
lying tates 50 3x8
curls with ez curl bar 70 4x12

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Training log update

It is time to get ready for a meet. I have picked out a meet in September and everything is planned out. Getting my bench shirt fixed it the last piece of the puzzle.

Squat seems to be ok right now. Not where I would like it but I will take it.
Deadlift is being built right now so it should pick up over the next three months.
Bench still lags and I am less than motivated but it will get better.

I have switched my 5/3/1 supplimental work to deadlifts while standing on two inch blocks and 4 board for my bench. I think this will address my specific issues and bring up those lifts.

Metal Milita reverse band green deload about 160#s at chest but all gone at the top.
225x3, 275x3, 315, 365, 405, 435x1, 465xmiss

oh press 135x3, 155x3, 175x3
chuck v pulldowns 140 5x12
tates 60 4x8
preacher curls 80? 3x10
shrugs 225 3x12


Speed squat ssb+green band and foam box
315 5x2, 365 2x2, 405x1

rdls 275 2x6
manual leg curls 3x6
pulldown abs 160 4x8

Free squat
225x3, 295x3, 335x1, 385x1, 425x1

add briefs 485x1, 535x1 585x1
add suit bottoms 625x1, 675x1,
straps up 715x1

Walking out weights suck!

front squat 205x5, 225x3, 275x1
single leg hypers 140 2x10, double leg 230 2x10
single leg band leg curls purple 3x10
decline situps 3x8



floor press with 2 set of chain
135, 185, 225x3, 275x1, 295x1, 315xmiss
oh press 135x5, 155x3, 185x2
chuck v pulldowns 140 ?x10
tates ??
curls I did a few

illegal wide bench 110kg x10
incline bb extensions I think the bar was a training bar but I will count as 20kg. 80kg 4x8
db powercleans 15 3x20
curls 3x10
pullups 5x5

Here the videos from this bit of training.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Training log update

My training has picked up the last 2 weeks. My schedule is close to normal so training has been pretty good. I will say the last few months have not been good to my bench. I am close to setting records but my lockout strength has really suffered and I need to really bring it up if I expect to bench anything good.

Work on
bench - triceps/lockout
squat/deadlift - hips/hamstrings

I will give you the video first then you can see the specific workouts below.

Illegal wide bench worked up to 120 kg x 8

jm press 60kg 2x8, 70kgx8
band pushdowns 3x10
db rows 70 3x12

curls 3x10
band pull aparts 3x12
jump rope x200

Deadlift while standing on 2 inch blocks
445, 495, 535, 585, 605x1

front squat 185x5, 205x5, 225x5
single leg hypers 90 3x10

green band leg curls 3x10
decline situps 25 3x8

Had to push training forward one day due to other stuff going on this week. Should have just done some rep stuff but I decided to do 4 board anyway. I was still sore and everything felt heavy. I still hit 90% of my best so I will take it.

225x3, 275x1 add 4 board 315, 365x1, 385x1, 405x1, 425x1, 455 miss

oh press 125x5, 145x5, 165x5
chuck V pulldowns 140 2x10, 160 4x10o
preacher curls 5 5x10
neck harness 2x12

Tates 55/60 x 10, 10, 10, 8, 8
-Thought I had 2 55's but I had one 55 and one 60. I did not notice until I was done with 3 sets. So I just switched hands and did 2 more sets.

Speed squat ssb + green band on foam pad 275 6x2, 315 2x2

rdl 225 4x6
manual leg curl 2x6
pulldown abs 4x8

prowler 90# 10x30 yards

good mornings with straight bar.
225, 275, 315, 365, 405x3, 435x2 could have done another but my mid back did not feel right.

front squat 185x3, 225x3, 245x2
hypers single leg - 2x10 90, double 180 2x10
green band leg curls 3x12
decline situps 3x8

prowler 10x30 yards 90#s

Metal Militia reverse band green deload about 160#s at chest but all gone at the top.
225x3, 275x3, 315, 365, 405, 435x1, 465xmiss

oh press 135x3, 155x3, 175x3
chuck v pulldowns 140 5x12
tates 60 4x8
preacher curls 80? 3x10
shrugs 225 3x12

Friday, March 26, 2010

Update and Training log

The last four weeks have been very busy with our move and selling of our old house. My garage gym has been reduced down to a 10x10 storage unit. It was sad to see everything put up and know that it will sit there without getting used for at least a year.

I do want to thank a friend I met only a few months ago on twitter. Strongman Bob came up from Cleveland to help me load my equipment onto the u-haul and I could not have done it without him. Check out his blog He has been using the Reactive training method with his training and is making great progress. A big thanks to him for his help.

As far as my training goes I had a few hiccups over the 4 weeks but I think I am settling in at the new gym and am ready to start planning for a meet soon.

Here are a few videos the training cycle.

That's all for now. Thanks for stopping.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Review of BulletProof Knees

If you are pushing your body to its limits it is going to break down at some time or another. For some it is their back, some their shoulder and in my case it was my right knee. I have arthritis in that knee, most likely from being rolled on twice playing college footbball. I have been having some sort of pain and swelling over the last 18 months. I asked for help on Twitter. @RobTrainSystems replied and offered me a copy of his product Bulletproof Knees.

When I got the manual and dvd in the mail I was supprised at how much information was included. Mike covers everything you need to know. What exercises you need to do and which ones to avoid. He go into depth about what areas you need to stretch or foam roll to reduce your pain and he clearly states that mobility work is very important. And I agree. Now in my opinion Mike did not go into too much depth in the manual. I understand Mike already put out Magnificent Mobility and it covers everything you need to know for a great dynamic warm-up.

Overall this is a great product and has helped me reduce most of the pain I have. Now with that being said the pain only stays away as long as I do what is outlined in the book. Consistency is key. As soon as I skip my mobility, soft tissue and stretching I am reminded with pain. This manual will give you the tools but you still have to do the work and be consistent.

The manual comes with a dvd. To be honest I have not watched all of it. I gave the manual to my dad in hopes he would read it and it would open his eyes to what he needs to do. I am still waiting for him to finish.

The manual is pricy. But to go through the day without any pain is priceless. How much is doing what you love worth to you?

If you have knee pain or work with someone who has knee pain should own Bulletproof Knees. If you don't have Magnificent Mobility get it as well. They both will have a huge impact on how you feel.

Check out all of Mike's other products at

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm back

Well the last few months have been a challenge. In September my wife accepted a job at a Parisi Speed school franchise. So we moved back to her home town in Indiana. We moved across four states and now it's four months later. Everything has been turned upside down and training has been crazy for both of us. If you read Julia's log on she has not posted as much as in the past few months since the move. She has less time on the computer at work and less down time to answer questions and post in her log. She is still training but following the two day a week template for 5/3/1 by Jim Wendler.

I found a gym that allows chalk has some powerlifters and even plays OK music. But It is closing any day. It has been month to month and I am not sure it will be open when I get there each morning. I have also been using 5/3/1 but this cycle will be my last as I prepare to get back to some meets. I think the further advanced you are the long you have to run 5/3/1 before you start breaking into new territory. I have used these five months to fix some knee problems. I was lucky enough to get a copy of Bulletproof Knees by Mike Robertson and it has help me more than I can explain. But I will write more on that later.

I hope to bring you new information and make this a great 2010.