Monday, May 11, 2009

Matts training log.

Well we are back at it after our meet. I now have a new weak point for my bench and deadlift and I will be addressing those over the next few months. Here are the last few workout.

Monday May 5th

straight bar box squat 135, 245, 335, 425, 515, 565, 605x1

rdls 185 4x6
ghr and green band 3x8

short strap hypers 190 2x15
split squats 2x8
leg raises against mini 2x12
belt dragging 3 plates 8x200 ft.

Wednesday May 7th

Speed bench 205 + 1 chain 5x5
incline bench 195x10, 205x10

incline db extensions 50x8, 60 4x8
upright rows 75 4x12

bb front raises 75 4x12
pulldowns 4x12

Prowler plate and quarter on each handle 6x100ft (3 upper, 3 lower)

Then did some purple band curls later that afternoon

Friday May 9th

Speed squat cambered bar 365 with 3 set of chain. 8x2

pin one pulls against quad mini 3 x 3
single leg rdl 60 x 10, 80 2 x 10
poor man back attack green band 4 x 8
pulldown abs 4 x 15

sled drag betwen legs 2 plates 6 x 200ft
backward 3 plates 4 x 200ft

Sunday May 11

3 board 135, 185, 225, 275, 315, 365, 395 x 1, 415 x miss, 355 x 5
overhead press 185 2 x 5
db rows 125 4 x 10
green band pushdowns 5 x 12
db powercleans 20 5 x 12
db curls 3 x 12

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